Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Great Appointment

We had another doctor's appointment today and it went really well. There is still no change, which is a very good (and surprising!) thing. Because there has been no change, my doctor increased my contraction threshold (amount of "allowable" contractions) to 10/hour. So, hopefully that will keep me out of the hospital a little while longer. (I had to be admitted and put back on the mag-drip once last week.) I will be 31 weeks on Thursday, so we are trucking right along.

And I will also try to post some Mary Laine updates soon. She has been traveling around the southeast visiting family and, by looking at the pictures, isn't missing us nearly as much as we're missing her :-).

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Great news! God is good. Send Mary Laine our way next week whenever's good!