Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, November 21, 2008

"All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be" Psalm 139:16

How comforting to know that all of our daughter's days have already been written. God has a plan for this little life and knows the day that she will be born. We have officially made it to week 29! When we were first checked into the hospital at 26 weeks, the doctor on call told us that she had her son at 29 weeks and he is healthy. I remember thinking that I would be so happy to make it to 29 weeks and we are here! My contractions were a little higher than they wanted them to be last weekend, so we did spend a few days back in the hospital. We are so thankful to be back home and in our own bed. Gary has been such a trooper - the accommodations for spouses at the hospital are far from comfortable. We had a doctor's appointment yesterday and got a good report. There has been no change which is great news. Thank you all so much for your calls, notes, visits, dinners, comments on the blog, and mostly for your prayers. We pray that this time of bed rest will not be wasted and that God will be glorified through it all!


HotMommy said...

I'm so glad you found I verse to help strengthen you. We focused on 1 Samuel Verse 27 "For this child I prayed; and the LORD has given me my petition which I asked of him."

Emilie Smith said...

Hey Kathryn! I'm so excited for you and Gary and your baby girl! I'm sorry that you're having to be on bed rest but love that you are rejoicing in it. Whit and I are going to have a baby boy in February. I am 28 weeks today so we are right there together : ) Isn't it the coolest thing?!?! I hope you have a good week and I'm excited to see what's going on with you. Love, Emilie

DK Baria said...

hey, mama,and daddy,too! i have been keeping up with everything thru laura. she has been forwarding the text messages on to me. glad to hear you are doing better. hang i there and STAY IN THE BED! we are all praying for you and your little one. tell gary that he is getting practice for when the baby comes by waitng on you. i like to look for the blessings in every situation: harvesting is over and gary can spend the time he needs to taking care of you. God is good and He is our strength. love to ya. dk

Dawn E said...

29 weeks and 6 days...and counting!!! I imagine the time is going by oh-so-slowly, though. We're praying for you guys and for your wee one. I have the full set of Austen novels if you want to borrow them. :)

blog said...

I hope you are staying warm!

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