Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weeks 2 and 3

This has been a very fun past couple of weeks.  Mary Laine awake much more often than she was her first week and is also becoming more alert.  She continues to
 be a great eater and sleeper, which Mom and Dad are very thankful for.  Her Gran (Kathryn's mom) is convinced that she said "Hi" the other night and wants us to document that as being her first word.  I have been taking her picture next to her Bitty Baby doll to document her growth each week.  She still isn't much bigger than the doll, but she is definitely growing. 

Two Weeks

Three Weeks

Last weekend, Mary Laine's Uncle Jimmy came to Greenwood for a visit.  She loved getting to meet her uncle.  While he was here, he was 
successful in corrupting my husband - or was it the other way around?  His flight got into 
Memphis at midnight, and in a 
brilliant scheme to avoid any late-night baby duties, they 
headed over to the casinos in Tunica, MS.  Gary enjoyed some much-
needed and deserved time out of the house after his faithful care of me while on bedrest.  We also put Jimmy to work around the house.  Gary had some honey-do projects on his list and he recruited Jimmy to be his assistant.  Thanks Jim!

Mary Laine also got to meet her "aunt" Laura, my best friend from high school and one of the "Elaines" that she was named
 after.  Laura is expecting baby boy #3 in July, so Mary Laine is looking
 forward to meeting all of the Henson boys.  However, her Daddy insists that she will not have contact with any boys until she is at least 30.  Laura and I went out to dinner one night and it was my first time eating in a restaurant since October.  As always, we had a great time catching up.  

I can't believe that Mary Laine is already 3 weeks old.  Time is going by so quickly!  We are still 
cherishing every second that we have with her.  Check back soon for more pictures of all of Mary Laine's visitors...


The Hensons said...

awww! i love that last picture!

Carolyn said...

I love the last picture! We have the same doll that she is lying next to (1 of 12 dolls in the house). I picked it up tonight and gave it a little rock and thought about Mary Laine. We can't wait to meet her when you make it to Michigan!

DK Baria said...

oh man. that last pic is a heart stealer!! dk

Hannah and Scott said...

She is precious! Scott and I will have to visit next time we are in Greenwood, Scott has never held a newborn!